The official press release pertaining to the Manchester United x Tezos launch hints at the purpose of the NFT release. It will allow the members of a global community to engage with the club, its players, and its legends. Moreover, it is going to give like-minded fans a new platform to interact and engage.
Quick Take:
- Manchester United is entering the Web3 space in association with the Tezos (TZX) blockchain.
- The 144 years old football club is releasing digital sports memorabilia in the form of Manchester United NFTs.
- More importantly, Manchester United is giving the first United x Tezos collection for free.
The official press release pertaining to the United x Tezos launch hints at the purpose of the NFT release. It will allow the members of a global community to engage with the club, its players, and its legends. Moreover, it is going to give like-minded fans a new platform to interact and engage.
Explained: Manchester United’s NFT collection and what it means for fans
This NFT collection is the second time Manchester United and Tezos are coming together. In February, this year, the two organizations signed a training kit sponsorship agreement worth $20 million.

The Manchester United NFTs collection operates on the Tezos blockchain. The NFT collection will help the owners earn rewards.
In addition to this, the users getting a free NFT will receive an invitation to join the Discord channel. From here, the members can shape the future of the NFT project.
Moreover, this NFT collection will enjoy the popularity of the Tezos blockchain. At present, the blockchain is at 46th rank on the global crypto charts. However, Manchester United fans are not too excited about this launch.
As the crypto market is still bleeding, soccer fans believe Manchester United should not have launched the NFT collection. To this, the Manchester United team responds in a positive way. Plus, they say that the success of an NFT collection is about adoption and its utility.
As mentioned, the NFTs will be given away for free to fans all over the world! Sign up now to get your free Manchester United NFT!
After registering, you’ll most likely receive a 40% discount on the United Official Store and the opportunity to see previews of the NFTs by checking future emails.
Also, the club promises that 20 per cent of all proceeds will be donated to the Manchester United Foundation charity.
But will it Grow…
The sports memorabilia market value is expected to grow by 10X by the year 2032. As a result, the research organizations estimate the market value to reach $227 billion. Hence, This is a big opportunity for those who can take advantage of this trend early on. Can the Manchester United NFTs collection stay relevant and bring profits to the community?
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