This week, headlines broke across nearly all major media when Former President, Donald Trump began promoting an NFT collection featuring his image.
Questions were quickly raised as to who was behind the NFT sale, as it appears it is not directly being produced by Trump or his team.
According to, the site hosting the collection:
“These Digital Trading Cards are not political and have nothing to do with any political campaign. NFT INT LLC is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Digital LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates. NFT INT LLC uses Donald J. Trump’s name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Digital LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms.”
What is NFT INT LLC?
NFT INT LLC is the company that has purchased the rights to use Donald Trump’s image for the NFT collection the former President is promoting.
Not much information exists on the company and insiders we spoke to in the Web3 and NFT industries don’t seem to know who they are.
According to public data, NFT INT LLC appears to be based in a UPS store in a shopping mall in Park City, Utah.

Additionally, it appears the NFT INT team has pre-minted 1000 of some of the rarest NFTs for themselves, raising concerns over the fairness of the minting process.
It is still unclear who owns NFT INT LLC.
Who is CIC Digital?
NFT INT LLC purchased the rights to Donald Trump’s image from another little-known company called CIC Digital.
In a thread on Twitter, Ken Bensinger of the NY Times claims CIC Digital is a company formed by former Trump Advisor, Nick Luna, and current Trump Lawyer, John Marion.
This is a story being actively researched. Please return later for more information.
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